Flying Partner Yoga (Acro-Yoga)

DNA Levity - Leave a Comment

Fun, playful yoga for family, partnership, and community building.
Building strength, flexibility, and trust by lifting each other up!

Daniel Levy Flies Farrah Leah at the Flying Lotus in Mt Shasta

Daniel Levy Flies Farrah Leah at the Flying Lotus in Mt Shasta

Flying AcroYoga is a shared movement awareness art that incorporates yogic postures, acrobatic positions, thai massage, and collaborative play.
Daniel Levy brings a lightness and universal accessibility to this style of yoga by teaching and directing the movements in a way that allows everyone to participate. The experience is described as a fun, flying, collective yoga, because everyone can come together and participate regardless of their age or background.
Flying AcroYoga exercises can be incorporated into the HuMandalaExperience, bringing a tactile energy into the shared, sacred HuMandalaspace. In this way, a circle of people connecting with HuMandalas might magically transform into a group of people playfully lifting each other off the ground!

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